##A 10 69386 3 ##T NORTH AMERICAN BIOREGIONS ##A 10 7820 4 ##T Inland Waters ##A 10 211205 5 ##T CULTURAL CELEBRATION: INLAND WATERS CULTURAL CELEBRATION: INLAND WATERS AudubonÕs Wetlands is the best of the Audubon survey guides, written by one of the finest ecologists to immerse himself in the subject. Appropriately, there is no one fluvial bard, but many, each pouring forth the mysterious solution of water and words. Here are some of my favorites. Ñ Peter Warshall ##A 10 211496 6 ##T CULTURAL CELEBRATION: INLAND WATERS Round River From the Journals of Aldo Leopold Luna B. Leopold 1953, 1972; 173 pp. ISBN 0195015630 $3.95 postpaid from: Oxford University Press 16-00 Pollitt Drive Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 ##A 10 210116 7 ##T CULTURAL CELEBRATION: INLAND WATERS Life on the Mississippi Mark Twain 1961, 1985; 384 pp. ISBN 0140390502 $4.95 ($5.95 postpaid) from: New American Library Box 120 Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0120 800-526-0275 201-387-0600(NJ) For two tape versions, see next next two cards of this review for access info and to play excerpted sounds. ##A 10 16982 8 ##T CULTURAL CELEBRATION: INLAND WATERS Life on the Mississippi Ñ Tape Version 1 Mark Twain 8 - 1 1/2 hour cassettes RentalÑ$13.50 PurchaseÑ$64.00 ($66.50 postpaid) from: Books on Tape P. O. Box 7900 Newport Beach, CA 92660 800-626-3333 Read by Michael Prichard Catalog number 1069 ##A 10 260023 9 ##T CULTURAL CELEBRATION: INLAND WATERS Life on the Mississippi Ñ Tape Version 2 Mark Twain 1 cassette $12.95 ($14.45 postpaid) from: Caedmon c/o Harper & Row Keystone Industrial Park Scranton, PA 18512 800-638-6460 Selections performed by Ed Begley Catalog number SWC 1234 ##A 10 239711 10 ##T CULTURAL CELEBRATION: INLAND WATERS A River Runs Through It Norman MacLean 1979; 217 pp. ISBN 026500578 $7.95 postpaid from: University of Chicago 11030 South Langley Chicago, IL 60628 ##A 10 239934 11 ##T CULTURAL CELEBRATION: INLAND WATERS Wetlands William A. Niering 1985; 638 pp. ISBN 0394731476 $14.95 ($15.95 postpaid) from: Random House/Order Dept. 400 Hahn Road Westminster, MD 21157 800-638-6460